Sunday, June 10, 2012

Say, "Cheese!"

We love to celebrate just about anything in the culture we live in and why not  It's fun!  It's an excuse to get together with the people we love most and spend time with them.  Or if we can't physically get together with them talk on the phone or text or email.  I guess it's just a way to connect.  There's nothing wrong with that.  Connecting is good.

Now, I will be the first to admit that since becoming a Mommy I celebrate everything when it comes to my little peanut.  She's my only child and I'm a proud mama.  What can I say?  The way I celebrate is through photographs and let's just say I have a few pictures commemorating the big milestones and the somewhat inconsequential ones too.

I have been fortunate enough to have been able to live in a couple different places in the country and I have made some amazing friends who have since moved on to other places in the world.  I have family close to home, but I also have family spread out in a couple different states.  This being said, all of these wonderful people who are a part of my life don't get to experience the Peanut's milestones with me, that is until I share the photos I have taken.  It's a way to keep them a part of our lives and I believe they appreciate it.

So, although I may go a bit crazy with the pictures, there really is method to my madness.  I want to celebrate the joys of being a mommy and watching my little Peanut grow up, but I also want to share those joys with the people I love who are not as close as I would like.  And, by the way, I love seeing the pictures my friends and family take of the celebrations and milestones in their lives too.  It helps me to feel a part of their lives as well.

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing the Peanut's pictures! I hope to meet the Peanut one day too!!!!
