Saturday, June 9, 2012

Dust Bunnies and Priorities

Okay, so didn't want this blog to be one more thing that I started that I didn't continue. It has been a few months since I last posted and I really don't want to make excuses for my absence.

I have come to realize that there have been quite a few things that I have started since becoming a mommy that I have not finished in a reasonable amount of time, both big and small.  On a daily basis I start things like laundry only to get sidetracked by the Peanut and forget all about it only to find it hours later either sopping wet or wrinkled beyond recognition.  Then there are the books sitting on my dresser that I started reading because the Peanut's nap time got longer and I found I had some time to sit quietly and read.  But then, suddenly without cause the Peanut decides she is going to nap for half the time she was napping previously and now there seems to be no time to read and my book pile begins to collect dust.  I'm not proud to admit this, but I have even started dinner, complete with pots on the stove only to get sidetracked. I'll spare you the details, but the Fire Department did not have to become involved fortunately.

What has happened to me?  I used to be highly organized and very efficient.  I could multitask like no other.   My home was always ready for company.  Now, I'm this forgetful, don't always finish what I start kind of gal whose house is not always clean and who sometimes makes chicken nuggets for dinner because I couldn't get my act together to make a "real" meal.

What has happened to me is that my priorities have changed!  And, I'm okay with that.  A little clutter won't kill me.  A few dust bunnies here and there won't kill me or my family (I know this for a fact because my daughter ate one and survived!).  Everything doesn't have to be perfect and sometimes I may start something that I don't finish right away.  What's important to me is my relationship with God, my husband, and my daughter.  If leaving a mess means I can spend time in the Word then that's what's going to happen.  If making chicken nuggets for my family for dinner means that I get to read a few more books with my daughter then bring on the nuggets.  If letting the laundry pile up means that I can sit and talk with my husband then I'll just have to figure out what to do when I run out of clean underwear.

Time is not something that we ever get back.  Once it's gone, it's gone.  The Lord has blessed me with a wonderful husband and a precious daughter and the time that He has given me I am certain He would want me to spend with them.  The other'll get done.  It always does.

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