Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How the Grocery Store Helped Save My Sanity

Winter has officially come, AZ style that is.  I know for my friends in cold weather climates, what we call winter in AZ does not even begin to compare to what you experience and I know this personally since I lived in IL for 11 years.  But when you live in 100+ degree weather for nearly 6 months out of the year 50 degree highs seem cold and then if you through rain into the mix forgetaboutit!  It's winter!

So this being said, winter began yesterday.  With a high in the low 50s and rain, rain, and more rain, it was winter.  This meant that rather than brave the cold and wet, the peanut and I stayed indoors all day.

In theory this seemed like a good idea, but the reality of it was far from good.  Mad props to all the moms who live in places like Illinois, South Dakota, and Virginia, you know who you are, because you deal with horrible weather all winter long and I honestly don't know how you do it.

The plan was to to hang around the house and play.  Anyone who has attempted this plan with a 10 month old knows exactly what kind of a day I had.  In fact, it wasn't just me that had a rough day.  My daughter actually kept crawling over to the patio door and standing there looking out longingly.  Then she would take a break to lick the glass and then go back to her longing gaze.  Lick.  Stare.  Lick.  Stare.  She did a lot of that all day.

By the time my husband got up, he sleeps during the day because he works nights, I had just about lost my mind and needed to get out of the house to maintain my sanity.  He barely walked out of the bedroom when I passed our daughter off to him and told him that I had to get to the grocery store.

Like the wind I was out the door.

Most people generally don't enjoy grocery shopping, but do it because it's a necessary evil.  We need to eat to live.  It's that simple.  Not me, yesterday's trip to the grocery became a therapeutic event.

So, even the most mundane things like grocery shopping can become a blessing in the right circumstances.  Now, if I could only find a blessing in cleaning the toilets.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm... I love grocery shopping! If I lived there, I would be your personal shopper. :)

    When I worked at camp one summer, I spent about half of it on the cleaning/cooking staff. The girls I was in charge of and I would sing worship songs while cleaning the bathrooms. The mundane, yucky job became something we almost looked forward to. Maybe that will help you, too. :)
