Tactical skills are a must for being a mommy. Case in point, last night. I'm not proud of what I am about to share and I'm hoping that I am not alone in this. Please say I'm not alone in this. Please.
My family lives in a two bedroom condo, so when our daughter goes to bed we close the door so that the noise we make futzing about the house doesn't wake her up. But, we like her door to be open when we go to bed so that it doesn't get too cold or too hot in her room. Got it. This is where I come in. Every night before I go to bed I go into her room and check on her and make sure that she is covered and warm now that it is winter. Such a good mommy, right? We're not going to go into the whole blanket, no blanket, SIDS, debate right now. It's crocheted, it's got little holes for air all over it just in case.
So last night I go in to check on my daughter and find that she is laying on top of her blanket. Not going to do her any good. So, I stealthily start to pull the blanket out from under her and just as I get it out from her, her little eyes pop open. So, what does a good mommy like me do? Duck and cover.
You read it right. I dropped to the ground faster than you can say, "Boo" and curled up into a little ball hoping against all hope that she didn't see me. Waiting, I heard a lot of movement and even some of her, I'm waking up chatter. All I could think was that I couldn't believe I woke her up. After a few minutes, the moving stopped and so did the sweet little sounds. It appeared that she had gone back to sleep.
Slowly and quietly I rose from my covert position and confirmed that yes indeed she was asleep. I put the blanket back over her and quietly left her room.
So am I the only one whose ever done something like that? I knew if she saw me it would be all over. She would be up and would want to play. See, I think that I was being a good mommy by exercising my tactical skills. She needed her sleep. That's all that I was doing insuring that she got her sleep. Justification, gotta love it, right?
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